Yesterday at 15:10 I reached the North Col together with Chhiring. The highest point was 7060m. I am so happy that it finally worked after four days in Advanced Base Camp and one failure. I did it!!
North Col is such a beautiful and tough place at the same time and provides views into both Nepal and Tibet-China. The most important view is however the Peak! In some way things connected so nice as I could see Kala Pather in Nepal where I stood in October last year with Robin Trygg and Chhiring. I was very tempted to continue “just a little bit” towards the Everest peak, Chhiring’s comment was only “not so good” and started laughing in his personal style that I love! The rope climb up to the Col is a 300m altitude and 45degree snow and ice wall. Some parts are steeper and some less. I had the best possible weather conditions with blue sky and low wind speed – couldn’t ask for more! We managed in eight hours including a 1,5 hour awesome stay in North Col. The plan was a sleepover but we ran out of time.
So, what happened behind all nice words!! This was of course a struggle with lots of pain and frustration before things worked. I arrived in ABC with zero-energy which took me two days to get under control. I slept bad etc.
The third day we trekked to the crampons point where the ice/rock/snow starts for North Col. I felt that I didn’t have the proper energy level when needed, my body didn’t respond. At the same time wind increased and it started snowing, we returned to the ABC. I started doubting if I would be in a shape to do this at all. Both Chhiring and myself were very sad about the situation and Erik and G tried to push and motivate me. The only answer they got from me was “let’s see…”. I went to sleep in the tent.
The next morning on the fourth day I woke up and felt better in my hole “machine”. Of course, Chhiring was the first one popping into my tent ” how are you?” My response was “lets go” and the heat was on. Chhiring was just as excited as me because he was truly so sad the night before. All team mates gave me all mental support. Within an hour Chhiring and myself packed and went off with the goal to Summit – Chhiring had a plan and went for it. I am so happy it worked and I gained a lifetime experience!!
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Grymt Björne.
Heja heja heja!
/ Hernan
Grattis Björn! Så otroligt kul att du fick uppleva detta stora äventyr!!! Jag tror alla vi som träffat chhiring skrattar gott åt “not so good”-kommentaren!
Hahaha! Och skrattet!
Vänta får du se vad jag hade i ögonen där uppe….
Starkt Björn. Grattis!
Congrats Björn!
Wohoooo!! Grattis Björn. Vilken grej. Ser fram emot att höra allt, superstort!!
Mycket bra presterat 🙂 Grattis
Härligt Björn! Stort grattis! Lugnt och fint ner och hem nu bara 🙂
Norröna -heja heja!! Trollveggen PRO BIB brallorna outstanding ihop med GoreTex jackan Trollveggen och Dunjackan Trolllveggen.
Grattis! Vilken prestation. Den ska du vara nöjd över.
Hälsningar Margaretha o Arne Å
Stort grattis Björn! Ser fram emot att träffas! 🙂
Björn, jag försöker förstå men kan bara ana allt du varit igenom.
Under tiden bugar för för din uthålliga målmevetenhet och välkomnar dig sedan
tillbaks ner till jorden bland oss andra:)
Jag försöker förstå vad du varit igenom, men kan bara ana..
Under tiden bugar jag för din uthålliga målmedvetenhet och att du också är beredd att dela din sårbarhet med oss. Och nu närmast, välkommen tillbaks ner till Jorden bland oss övriga:)
Ser ut som i en dröm! Grymt jobbat, inspiration i vardagen här hemma. Vi får ses hela gänget och lyssna på historier när du kommer hem!
Ja det vore kanonkul!! Mycke historier finns det här 🙂
GRATTIS Björn! Härligt kämpat!
Stort grattis Björn! Ser fram emot att träffas!
Tjohhooo Grattis bästa Björn
Congratulations, Björn!!! Way to go!!! Thank you for the awesome updates. Godspeed to the rest of your team as they enter the summit window… Please give Erik a big hug from us!!!
Grattis fraan Konjakkarna i Brügge, Belgien!
Thanks, huggs
Helt otroligt!! Stor grattiskram från Granliden
Vad otroligt glad jag blir att ni ä me!! Stora kramar på er båda, jag berättar om sista dagen i bloggen ikväll – otrolig resa !!
Imponerad, måste ha din autograf
Haha – ja självfallet, vilken egostärkare!!
Pepsi blir inte impad av mycket men detta tycker hon var en hyfsad prestation. Du får komma till henne på räkpartaj o berätta om allt du varit med om:-)
Grattis Björn!
Haha – Kram
Grattis Björn!!
Det känns som att det finns historier till en hel flaska Israelisk likör
Haha, så den var så bra… 10 år sen..
Wow! You are such an inspiration. My children are seeing your actions and amazed ! Thank you! Be safe! Congratulations!
Thanks!! I am so glad that you follow the adventure – it means alot to me! There is still more to come about the summit – stay tuned!