Ready for summit in Base Camp
The total climb today took us 4,5 hours and brought us 854m up to the Base Camp at the altitude of 4985m (good work Sunnto 🙂 ) .Some parts of the climb went through snow but we were still lucky with some sunshine. Just 300m…
Ready for summit in Base Camp
The total climb today took us 4,5 hours and brought us 854m up to the Base Camp at the altitude of 4985m (good work Sunnto 🙂 ) .Some parts of the climb went through snow but we were still lucky with some sunshine. Just 300m…
Off to Yalung Ri Bas Camp
This is the last night in our Na camp. Tomorrow is the time to leave for an higher altitude which means Base Camp for the Yalung Ri peak 5900m. The Base Camp provides us with more altitude training. Since the peak summit will have an…
Red Panda – a lifetime experience
Today we started our day with a monestary visit in Beding. The local Lama had invited other Lamas and Monks for a fascinating Budist ceremony. We also drank lots and lots of tea! The hospitality is just great from the local people. We started our…
Big giants are amazing
We have reached an altitude of 2800m today which means that we now have eye contact with snowy 7000 m peaks. These mountains are so big that you really have respect for challenge climbing them. This morning when I woke up I thought I saw…
We have arrived in Bening at 3800m
Today we reached 3800m when we arrived in the village of Beding. This little village has 65 inhabitants and a little school. The lifestyle seems to have stayed the same for the last 500 years. No information from outside the world is available other than…
True adventure in Himalaya
We traveled by TATA offroad cars from Kathmandu yesterday. The goal was to reach the Rolwaling Valley and set the first camp with tents. The drive took us 8 hours & 180 km on roads I never would drive myself… Unfortunately we were surprised by…
Protected by The Lama
A local tradition is to visit s monk monestary before starting an expedition into the Himalayas. The entire 12 person team is now protected by the Lama in this very special ceremony. We also were advised to walk an uneven number of times around…
Arrived in Kathmandu!
Finally, YES!! in Kathmandu after 12 hours of flight time. Already at the flight gate in Doha , I could feel that I was heading to a different destination this time – most passengers carried climbing boots and backpacks. It’s always fascinating to see who…
Nu reser jag till Nepal!
Inför avresan till Kathmandu denna vecka har jag tagit fram en kort video där jag delar med mig av de övningar som träningen byggt på under de senaste 7 månaderna. Förhoppningsvis kan Du använda några av de övningar som du hittar i videon. Jag är…
Träning i berg och snö
Träningen är nu i full gång igen. Fotskadan har sakta lagt sig med insatser från en kanonduktig naprapat på Roslagskliniken i Näsbypark. Lyckan att kunna träna igen är total. Det blev två timmars HathaYoga med Linda denna vecka utöver gymmets vanliga program – helkul! HathaYoga ger riktigt bra…
Skador skrämmer
Att träna intensivt med ständigt ökande belastning de senaste månaderna började till slut sätta sina spår då värk dök upp både i vänstra foten och rotator cuffen i axeln. Man blir ju rätt skrämd och betänksam innan man fick kontroll. Ett träningsuppehåll på 5-7 dagar…
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